Sunday, May 29, 2011



          I can't believe this right now. I can't believe it! Guess what happened?  Well first of all yesterday was Halloween and it was probably the most craziest one I've ever experienced. We were walking home from a school event and I heard something behind us. I had a feeling someone was following us. It was probably Cecil since he did it on the way to the Halloween pageant. I told Scout to stay quiet so I can hear it better but she ended up screaming out "Cecil Jacobs is a big wet hen!" No reply. Suddenly, my heart started to sink. Cecil definitely would of said something by now. I called something out myself and there was no reply. The person behind us suddenly started to bolt towards us, and I knew that their obligation was not a friendly one. I knew they wanted to hurt us. Me and Scout ran as fast as we could but then Scout tripped which sort of frustrated me because now they were going to get us. I had to help her though; she's my little sister. When we got back up again, the person pulled me back, and shoved me to the floor. I didn't know what to think! All I knew at that moment was that this might be my last moment. The person suddenly did something to my arm that has never been done before. I felt the bone inside of arm break in half. Pain was streaming from the tips of my fingers to the top of my shoulder and my body felt hot. I screamed as loud as I could to justify the pain but of course it wasn't much. Suddenly every thing went black.

         I woke up to the shining light of daytime and yawned. I tried to put my arms above my head to stretch but then I realized I couldn't move my left arm. I panicked then lifted my head and saw Atticus smiling right at me. I didn't understand why he was there. Atticus explained everything that happened last night and I was in too much disbelief to talk. Bob Ewell tried to kill me and Scout, but Boo Radley saved us? I couldn't believe that Bob Ewell actually had the nerve to try and kill children! What kind of sick mind would do that? Anyways, thank God that Boo was there! I knew it all along! I knew that he wasn't how everyone said he was. He wasn't crazy; if it weren't for him me and Scout would of been dead today. I can't even believe that Scout actually got to see Boo Radley in person though! That has been our mission for years. For him to be in our house, to be in my room, and I wasn't conscious?! I can't even explain my feelings right now except say that I'm very upset and disappointed that I missed an opportunity to meet someone whose been hiding in his house for decades, which was probably my only opportunity. 

         Scout told me her personal view on what happened last night. She got to hang out with him for quite a while, and then walk him home and step foot on their porch. It was almost a fake story but Atticus said it was true. I couldn't help but be a poor sport about it - I mean how would you react to this? I then realized that Boo had killed Bob Ewell. That was something that I'd never guess would happen! I knew he wasn't the crazy guy people had rumored him to be, but a killer? I'm very appreciative of him though because he saved me and my sister's lives and that was enough to know what a great guy he was.

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    TKAM Blog Post # 5: Chapters 18-24

    Tom Robinson

             My name is Thomas Robinson and I am 25 years old. I am married and I have three children. My biggest problem in life right now is that I have been accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a 19-year-old white woman. I am now getting the help from Atticus Finch, who I greatly appreciate for even trying to help me. Even though I'm a negro, he treats me the same as he would anyone. That's something that not a lot of people can do. His pursuit is to prove me not guilty. I really hope he is not a hypocrite and does the opposite thing he says he will do.

             The day of my trial, I was so nervous. I honestly did not rape this young girl and just because I was black, I had a feeling I would still be found guilty. It was improbable that I would win this case. Why me though? All I tried to do was help out a young, lonely woman with her difficult chores. As I testified, I stated the truth of what went down on the 21st of November. I told the court that I passed the Ewell's everyday to and from work and that sometimes Mayella would need my assistance with her chores. One day she told me that she needed help with some hinges that were falling off an old door inside of the house. I checked them and they were all right, and then she shut the door in my face. It was real quiet around and I noticed that the children were gone. She had saved seven nickels in the course of a year and gave them to the children to go buy some ice cream. 

             Telling the court this made me super nervous, because they probably thought I was lying and would believe Mayella's ridiculous story of how I took advantage of her. I told her since the door didn't need fixing I should be going home now but she told me there was something else to do; to get a box down from the top of a chiffarobe. She then grabbed the back of my legs which greatly scared me and as I hopped down from the chair she hugged me around the waist. As I said that, the court turned from pure silence to a jungle. I felt the balls of sweat run down from my forehead. I just wanted this to be all over! I wanted everything to go back to normal. I wanted my wife back and to be next to my kids again. The judge restored order. I went on with my testimony and told the court Mayella kissed the side of my face. She said what her papa did to her didn't count. I then saw Bob Ewell through the window. He called Mayella a whore and threatened to kill her. Then I fled from the house and ran as fast as I could home. You don't understand how scared I was. Me being a negro made the feeling a million times worse. I knew I was in a predicament. As I finished my testimony with the accurate facts I prayed to God that the jury would at least give it some thought that I was not guilty. 

             The jury came to a verdict and I was in deep apprehension. Atticus' final statement was very well done but I knew that I could not win this case. My heart pounded like crazy feeling like it would tear out of my chest and run around the world a million times. "Guilty....guilty....guilty..." was all I heard. Those words pierced my ears and my heart slowly sunk. 


    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    TKAM Blog Post # 4: Chapters 13-15


           Since the last time I have written, many things have happened. My sister, Alexandra, has moved in with me and the children and I am not sure how well they are handling it. I know that she might not be the most favorite of relatives out there, but she sure would help out a lot especially with all of the Tom Robinson business. I hope that Jem and Scout will behave and show Alexandra that I am not completely horrible parent. Surely, that didn't happen. Alexandra told me that my kids don't know how to behave, and I know that she constantly thinks about how Scout may look like a boy and isn't lady like. It must antagonize her. What I think is that she needs to just mind her own business sometimes. I love her and all but for her to tell me how I should and shouldn't raise my children is just absolutely absurd.  I love my children and I know what is right for them. If I change my ways now, they just might start to despise me. That would just break my heart. I must be infallible to them and do my best even if I am not around much.

             Alexandra also told me that she didn't think I needed Cal anymore. She suggested getting rid of her. I couldn't believe that she said that! Cal has done more than I could ever ask her for. If I just extracted her from our lives, I'm not sure I'd be able to survive. The kids love her, as do I. She is an asset to the family.  Around that time, I found out that Dill had run away and was hiding underneath Scout's bed. At first, I couldn't conclude on how he had got there! I figured he had run away, and seeing he was completely filthy and that he was there at this random time of year, with no warning to either Scout or Jem, confirmed my assumption. I was pensive and said it would be okay if Dill stayed here and not have to return home because he was very unhappy with his life back in Meridian. 

             The biggest thing that has recently happened though is next. I went downtown to go visit my client, Tom Robinson, who is a negro, because I had very important business to take care of. My expected company arrived and we were into a conversation, when out of nowhere, my daughter Scout emerged from the darkness. She ran toward me, and all I could think of was, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I was in unbelievable shock and afraid of what was going to happen. I was lost at words. Dill and Jem came forth afterwards, and my head was about to explode. I immediately told Jem to take Dill and Scout home, but he refused all the times that I had told him to leave. I knew what he was doing; he wanted to make sure I was safe. I was in a way touched at the thought of my son looking out for me, but in complete horror for what he did. He snuck out, and even took his little sister with him late at night! This was very dangerous. After the whole situation was over, I reassured him that everything was going to be okay, and in my own way thanked him that he was there for me.

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    TKAM Blog Post # 3: Chapters 10-12


             My name is Jem and I am twelve years old. I have a younger sister named Scout, and my father's name is Atticus. My mother died when I was very young. I am very adventurous and I like to play outside with my best friend Dill, as well as with my sister. One day, me and Scout were walking when we saw a dog in the street. It looked really sick, and I wanted to tell Cal about it since I felt in peril. I went back to the house as quickly as possible, and we later found out that that dog, old Tim Johnson, was a mad dog. Cal called Atticus up and told him about it, and he raced back home with Mr. Heck Tate, the sheriff of Maycomb. The dog was coming closer and closer, and I saw that Mr. Tate was going to shoot the thing. Suddenly, he gave the gun to Atticus. I was in deep confusing at what was going on, I mean Atticus can't do anything?! He can't even manage to play keep away with me unlike my school contemporaries, so how in the world could he possibly shoot something? In that same moment I watched Atticus walk to the middle of the street then raise the gun. This was going to end badly; surely my father was going to miss. In a hot second it was over. I glanced over quickly to see the outcome of the situation. My head was spinning. I could not function because of my disbelief in what just happened. I wanted to say something, but it would of been inaudible. Scout pinched me back to reality. I could of never, ever guessed that Atticus was capable of doing that! It turns out my father is also known as "One-Shot Finch!" 

             Lately, I've been hearing a lot of down talking about my father, and how he is defending niggers. I've been pretty good about ignoring it all, but Mrs. Debose, the meanest  lady I know, is getting to me about it. Can she get any ruder about the topic? Yes, my father laws for negroes. Does it matter that he doesn't judge you based on your color, that he treats everyone equally? He's a great man. One day she said, "Your father's no better than the niggers and trash he works for!" I can't believe I heard that coming from an adult. How mature! I definitely contradicted her in that moment. I was not just going to let that go, she has to know that saying that about my father is not at all a good thing to do. She was going to pay. I grabbed Scout's baton I bought her with my birthday money and ran to Mrs. Dubose's front yard, cutting off the tops of every single camellia bush she had. I hope that the mess would be inconspicuous. I then snapped the baton in half and later kicked Scout, but I regretted it as soon as I did it. Later, Atticus saw what I did, and I apologized to Mrs. Dubose about it. I did not mean any word I said to her; she didn't deserve a apology for all the crap she has said to me and Scout. My punishment was reading to her every day after school and also on Saturday's for two hours. I had to do this for a month! What a cruel, and unfair punishment! I didn't deserve this, I was going to be tortured. Ugh.

             The month went by, though Atticus made me do an extra week upon Mrs. Debose's accidental request. The reading wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though it still was pretty bad. Mrs. Dubose wasn't so rude and degrading as she was before the month of reading, and in a way I kind of liked her. A month after my punishment was over, Atticus got a call stating that Mrs. Dubose had just died. Apparently she was a morphine addict, and that is why she had her random fits; it was because she wasn't getting her "medicine." Too bad for her. I felt bad and in a way, I was going to miss her. 

    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    TKAM Blog Post # 2: Chapters 4-9


             My name is Atticus and I have two kids, Jem and Scout. A while ago I caught them trying to give Boo Radley, a neighbor who never comes out the house, a letter by attaching it to a pole, and trying to reach it into his house. What were they thinking? That was invading his privacy! They should stop tormenting him. If Boo doesn't want to get out of the house then let him be. I love my kids but sometimes they do the oddest things.

            Recently my kids made a snowman! I was quite impressed though it looked like they were trying to make Mr. Avery. I can tell they were very proud of it.  Miss Maudie's house caught on fire. She is a neighbor as well as a friend. I wonder how that happened! I told the kids to go wait down by the Radley's place and to stay there until it was safe to come back. Scout, my daughter, got a surprise visit by Boo Radley! I suppose that he came out and put a blanket onto her. At first I was a little concerned that that happened, but yet thankful because without it Scout would have gotten sick! I was also worried that she didn't realize that happened therefore he could of done something unfriendly to her. I also pray that Miss Maudie is going to be fine since her house burnt down. 

             Christmas time was where things got a little out of control. Unfortunately, Scout got into a fight with her cousin named Francis. She punched him in the face! It really upset me that she would do that, especially to her own blood. I also felt ashamed that my whole family had to know about it, and also see it occur! I really hope that Scout learns from this because it's not okay to do what she did. She later explained to me that Francis was calling me a nigger-lover, and it especially upset her because he was saying it in a snotty way. I thought she could handle all the talks about me and I really hope that she does keep her head high when worse things come. And it will come.

    Sunday, April 24, 2011

    TKAM Blog Post #1: Chapters 1-3


             My name is Scout and I am in the first grade. I have an older brother named Jem, and a father named Atticus. My mother died when I was two, so I have no memories of her. I am a curious person, I speak my mind, and I am intelligent for my age. I love to read, especially at night with my father. I also like to play with my brother outside, as well as with my friend Dill.

    As I was reading in class today, to my surprise, my teacher, Miss Caroline, seemed very displeased that I knew how to read. She told me to tell my father to stop teaching me though I did not know what she meant by that. I learned on my own, I think? Jem says I've known how to read since I was born. I felt really bad that I was educated and told Jem about it. He didn't do anything but say she's trying a new teaching method and that didn't make me feel any better. I don't think Miss Caroline likes me since I had a really bad first impression. All I did was start to read and she overreacted about it! I don't like school so far.

    The bad first impression got even worse, unfortunately. Miss Caroline saw that Walter Cunningham did not bring a school lunch and offered him a quarter in hopes he'd pay her back the following day. She did not know that the Cunningham's were very poor and couldn't afford that. As I was trying to explain the circumstance, Miss Caroline got even more annoyed and frustrated ending with her smacking my hands with a ruler. I was confused, and the confusion turned into irritation with her. At that moment, I highly disliked her. I highly disliked school! I didn't wanna come back here tomorrow. 

            The same day I told Atticus that we couldn't read together anymore because of what Miss Caroline said. I was very disappointed because I love reading with him. I also told him that I didn't want to go to school anymore; I didn't need to! Atticus never went to school and he ended up just fine. He told me that I had to go to school, but that he would keep reading to me as long as I didn't tell Miss Caroline. I liked that idea! Atticus said it was a compromise which is an agreement reached by mutual concession. It made me happy.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    Faith's Novel Partners Post # 3

    NAME: Faith Burila     DATE: February 18, 2011
    TITLE: Farewell To Manzanar TIME: 2 HOURS
    AUTHOR: Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston & James D. Houston PAGES: 96-

    Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not? What other character(s) beside the main character is really important to the story? How and why? What does this book make you wonder about? Why?

             During my reading this week, more events happened! One of the events that made me a bit sad was when Woody was drafted (August 1944). I think that he is also a really important character in the story because when Papa was taken away, he was the one who stepped up and tried to keep the family together which I thought was very responsible and courageous of him. The family could of drifted apart faster than anything, but he tried. When he was drafted, I think that he made a foolish choice because who knows what could happen to him in the war. He should of thought of those circumstances before making a choice like this when he could of refused answering to the letter.

             If I had a choice to read another book by this author, I don't think that I would. This book is great in a educational standpoint about Pearl Harbor, but the book is not intriguing. Whenever I start reading it, I just want to put it down already. It does not interest me. Also knowing that the story is legit and real makes it even worse. This story makes me feel sad, to know they just locked you away in horrible camps if you were Japanese or what not. I would not read another book by this author, or any stories that are similar to this particular topic.

             Whenever I read this book, it makes me wonder how life was for all these innocent people. Getting locked up in camps and having to relocate numerous amounts of times must of been horrible. It makes me wonder if that's how life would be if this type of situation ever happened again. Would we be treated just like that? Or would we get more respect, a nicer environment, making it a decent experience? I wonder if people see looking back at Pearl Harbor, if this would be legal? Locking up people in camps for a amount of time, not knowing when they could be let out. It must of felt like a jail. I wonder if anyone from back then loved living in Manzanar.