Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Slim's Perspective

Dear diary, 

         Today I met two guys, George an' Lennie. They different then others, many morose things have happened to them. George be telling me about how Lennie an' him came to be friends but also about how Lennie is dumb as hell. George also told me how he'd imperiously speak to Lennie, until one day Lennie jumped in a river an' almost drowned. He also told me how they was working in Weed, when Lennie decided to pull on a woman's dress because it was soft and the fabric looked interesting. 

         I feel bad for Lennie, so i agreed to give him a pup from my b*tch. Earlier today, Lennie came into the room with the pup. He's so damn attached to it. He be sitting with it in coat on his tick in a recumbent position. It's awright though George told me he ain't pugnacious or anything like that. Lennie's prob' about to sleep in the barn tonight.

         I like how Lennie and George travel together though. That's quite a rare thing. I'd be happy to have a friend like that one day though life seems quite awright right now. Still, seeing how George cares about Lennie is pretty cool. Lennie may be a dumb bastard, but I think George will stick by his side for as long as they live. 

1 comment:

  1. *As Lenny*
    hiya slim! u sure write lots 'bout me 'nd george.
    yupz, were the bests o' friends, i dont 'member why we had to leave weed. i din't do nothin' wrong, i liked it there, will ya ask george why we had ta leave? oh! i 'member the river! george saved my life that day! i was so scared but he come and save me, yup, thats just what he did.
    i wanna say thanks for the pup. 'nd its even the color i wanted, white with brown spots. yup! i jus wanna stroke it all day long. hey, du ya think ya cud ask george if maybe, jus maybe i cud sleep in that barn with them pups? it wud make me so happy, it really wud. i promise ill be so good! and if it ain't good for 'em to be stroked so much just lemme no and ill try my hardest.
    Lenny Small
