Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Of Mice & Men - First Class Book

Why do we have friends?

         I think that we have friends because they're a very important part of peoples lives. They're people who accept us for who we are, and people whom we can trust. We need friends because they will always be there for us, whether they need us for if we need them. They can make us smile and make us happy on the baddest days. I think we have friends because they make life enjoyable.

What makes a "good" friend?

         What makes a good friend is the quality of honesty. A good friend will always be honest with you, no matter how hard the truth may be. They are people you can trust with any secret! You can always run to them when you are down, and they will always know what to say to you. A good friend will never be two faced with you, they will never lie and never turn your back on you. A good friend will respect you.

Describe one of your big dreams in life. You could also discuss whether you (or someone you know) have a dream you feel has gone wrong, or might go wrong in the future.

         One of my biggest dreams is to become an elite gymnast. I truly hope that I will reach that goal by the end of high school. This dream might not happen because I dread going to the practices, mostly because I end really late at night and also because it takes so much time of my week. Though I have been doing really good in the last 3 months, I highly dislike going to all the practices because it doesn't seem fun anymore. It seems like its become mandatory, but I still hope that this dream comes true.

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