Friday, February 18, 2011

Faith's Novel Partners Post # 3

NAME: Faith Burila     DATE: February 18, 2011
TITLE: Farewell To Manzanar TIME: 2 HOURS
AUTHOR: Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston & James D. Houston PAGES: 96-

Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not? What other character(s) beside the main character is really important to the story? How and why? What does this book make you wonder about? Why?

         During my reading this week, more events happened! One of the events that made me a bit sad was when Woody was drafted (August 1944). I think that he is also a really important character in the story because when Papa was taken away, he was the one who stepped up and tried to keep the family together which I thought was very responsible and courageous of him. The family could of drifted apart faster than anything, but he tried. When he was drafted, I think that he made a foolish choice because who knows what could happen to him in the war. He should of thought of those circumstances before making a choice like this when he could of refused answering to the letter.

         If I had a choice to read another book by this author, I don't think that I would. This book is great in a educational standpoint about Pearl Harbor, but the book is not intriguing. Whenever I start reading it, I just want to put it down already. It does not interest me. Also knowing that the story is legit and real makes it even worse. This story makes me feel sad, to know they just locked you away in horrible camps if you were Japanese or what not. I would not read another book by this author, or any stories that are similar to this particular topic.

         Whenever I read this book, it makes me wonder how life was for all these innocent people. Getting locked up in camps and having to relocate numerous amounts of times must of been horrible. It makes me wonder if that's how life would be if this type of situation ever happened again. Would we be treated just like that? Or would we get more respect, a nicer environment, making it a decent experience? I wonder if people see looking back at Pearl Harbor, if this would be legal? Locking up people in camps for a amount of time, not knowing when they could be let out. It must of felt like a jail. I wonder if anyone from back then loved living in Manzanar.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Faith's Novel Partners Post # 2

NAME: Faith Burila     DATE: February 11, 2011
TITLE: Farewell To Manzanar TIME: 2 HOURS
AUTHOR: Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston & James D. Houston PAGES: 48-95

What is confusing in this book? Why? (Be specific) What was one of your favorite lines (or sentences) in what you read today? Copy it down and tell why you liked it. 

         During my reading this week a lot of crazy events went on, which confused me a ton. The first chapter that I read (Chapter 6), Jeanne talked about the early life of her father, their fathers, and so on. This part was a little confusing at times because I didn't know which generation she was talking about. She would switch people she was talking about quite fast, but towards the end everything was clear to me as I knew she was talking about her own father, and her mother.

         The second chapter I read was all about an interview that Jeanne's father had with a unnamed interrogator which happened in Fort Lincoln, North Dakota. The man asked Papa many questions, such as if he has contacted or been to Japan ever since he has been living in the states. Papa denies both, also refusing that he has been delivering oil to Japanese submarines offshore. The interrogator finally questions Papa who he wants to win in the war, Japan or America, but Papa replies with, "When your mother and your father are having a fight, do you want them to kill each other? Or do you just want them to stop fighting?” I really liked this quote because it gave a perfect example of how Papa really just wanted the war to end, because both countries were his homes. I would feel the exact same way, and I thought that Papa saying that was very wise and direct to his feelings about the war. The interrogator was really annoying me though because he was asking really pointless questions. 

         Something that shocked me during my reading this week was chapter 8. Jeanne explains that Papa is addicted to alcohol now, and one night he threatens that he will kill Jeanne's mom. He raises his cane in preparation to hit her in the head with it, but Kiyo (Jeanne's brother) jumps out of bed and punches Papa directly in the face. When I read this, I got a little nervous to see what would happen to Kiyo considering he might get beat by his father now. I crossed my fingers in hope that Kiyo wouldn't get hurt, and he didn't which relieved me! I hope that Papa gets help and stops drinking so that he will not hurt his loved ones. 

         Something that upset me during the book was how during the interview with the interrogator, Papa named all of his ten children except Jeanne! When he named nine of them but forgot the tenth, I got very sad because how could he forget his own children's names?! That is horrible. It broke my heart. It kind of showed me that he isn't such a great father after all, especially to the fact that he is now an alcoholic or what not.
         What I predict will happen next in the book is that they will be let out of  Manzanar, and be able to go home because they have no proof of Papa doing illegal activities. I hope that happens because I want them all to go home; it's not fair at all to just be locked up in a camp like that only because you were a certain race. I find that cruel and just heartbreaking! In some ways I see how that is understandable but in most that's horrible.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Faith's Novel Partners Post # 1

Farewell to Manzanar

How did what you read today make you feel? Why? 

         During my reading this week, I got introduced to a lot of the characters. The story is in the perspective of the author, Jeanne Wakatsuki, telling the story of her life when her family was sent to live at Manzanar. Jeanne talks about Mama, Papa, Woody, Bill, Chizu, Kiyo, and Granny. The story takes place in 1942, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. 

         Jeanne was seven years old when this madness occurred. It all started when they found out their home country bombed Pearl Harbor. Her father was taken away, and arrested for delivering oil to Japanese marines offshore because he was communicating with people in Japan which at the time looked as if he was a spy. Soon later, Mama (Jeanne's mother) decided to move the family to Terminal Island which is where other Japanese people live. The family moved two months later to Boyle Heights which is in downtown Los Angeles. About a month later, the government chooses to move the family again, and gives them 48 hours to clear out, and move to a camp at Manzanar, California. 

         During the reading, I couldn't stop thinking about what was going on in all their heads at the time! For Jeanne, she probably didn't understand anything, but I couldn't imagine how hard it could of been for the family to have to keep moving constantly. It made my feel so bad, like I wish I could of been there and tried to help them or something. I think it's interesting seeing how life was in a camp like that during the war, but it shocked me to see how badly they were treated. I guess I understand because at the time, the U.S. was at war with the country they originated from, but it made me feel quite bad for them. The father was not with them at the time which is worse, because Jeanne's father was the head of the family. This resulted in times where the family was lost in what they should do. I couldn't process everything because it was a lot to take in, but overall my reading this week made me sad because of all their misfortunes!