Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekly Reading Response

NAME: Faith Burila 
DATE: October 7, 2010
TITLE: A Million Little Pieces
AUTHOR: James Frey
START:  FINISH: 1 - 60

 What exciting events just happened? What do you think will happen next, and why?
How did what you read today make you feel? Why?

          A lot of crazy things have happened so far in this book. I got introduced to the character (also the author) James Frey. He is addicted to alcohol, and uses cocaine everyday. He also does pills, acid, mushrooms, meth, PCP and glue. His life is extremely messed up! He drinks when he wakes up, consuming as much alcohol as he possible can get. This made me feel really bad. It made me mad too because I cannot tolerate people who do drugs. This made me one thousand percent against things like that! It makes me sick to see that many, many people are addicted.

          Something else that happened in this book which was in the beginning is that he woke up on a plane not knowing where he was going. His front four teeth were missing, his nose was broken, he was unable to open his eyes, and there was “a mixture of spit, snot, urine, vomit and blood” on his shirt. At first I was thinking, “Wow what’s wrong with him?” But later I read on and it explained everything to me; he fell down a fire escape. He then found out he was going to Chicago where his parents would pick him up, and take him to the oldest Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility in the World. I got excited for him because there he would fix his drug addictions and become a real, healthy human again.

          One last thing that happened in my reading this week is that he is not getting better, being in the treatment facility. He’s tired and feels terrible 95 percent of the day, and I can tell he misses doing drugs. He wants to get well and sober though, so he deals with this pain. I really am glad that he decides to go through with this program because I want him to get better! What I think will happen next though is that he will try to run away or find coke because he can’t handle not having it. I really hope he just stays away from it all 100% while there because in the end I want him to complete his goal of becoming a human again. 

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