Sunday, October 24, 2010

Independent Reading Book - Post # 3

NAME: Faith Burila 
DATE: October 24, 2010
TITLE: A Million Little Pieces
AUTHOR: James Frey
START:  FINISH: 114 - 160

 Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?  
Which character would you like (or not like) to be your friend? Why? 
 What in the book upsets you or bothers you? Why?

         A lot of things have happened in this book when I read this week. One thing was James, the main character, was thinking about committing suicide. He missed his drugs and alcohol terribly. He attempted to leave the facility but Leonard (another patient, and friend of James) encouraged him to try again at becoming better and healthy. James agreed to stay for twenty-four more hours, but if he felt like he did at that moment, he would leave 100%. This really made me mad because I thought it was his goal to become sober other than making it seem like he's forced to be at that clinic. I hope his feelings change and that he stays there until he is absolutely normal again, and healthy. 

         I would definitely read another book by this author, though I'm no where close to finished with A Million Little Pieces yet. I like how James Frey writes, because it is a non-fiction story and it explains his everyday life as a drug addict, and how he tries to overcome his problems. Though most of his grammar and punctuation is incorrect, I think it's just great that someone like him would have the courage to write a book about his personal memories / life. I like reading his books because it's different with the way he writes, making it really interesting and enjoyable to read. Overall, I find James Frey a great author and I would encourage him to write more books or life changing stories.

         If I personally knew James, I'm not exactly sure I would want to be friends with him. I'm thinking this mostly because of how he is an alcohol and drug addict, and also for his criminal records. If I didn't know his background, that would make me even more against with being friends with him. He would seem like a psycho to me and I wouldn't want to be around him at all because I detest drugs a million percent! I'm sure once you get to know him though James is a great and kind person, but just knowing he is addicted to things such as cocaine, meth, etc. makes me not want to be around that even though he is (or has) changing his ways of life.

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