Sunday, April 24, 2011

TKAM Blog Post #1: Chapters 1-3


         My name is Scout and I am in the first grade. I have an older brother named Jem, and a father named Atticus. My mother died when I was two, so I have no memories of her. I am a curious person, I speak my mind, and I am intelligent for my age. I love to read, especially at night with my father. I also like to play with my brother outside, as well as with my friend Dill.

As I was reading in class today, to my surprise, my teacher, Miss Caroline, seemed very displeased that I knew how to read. She told me to tell my father to stop teaching me though I did not know what she meant by that. I learned on my own, I think? Jem says I've known how to read since I was born. I felt really bad that I was educated and told Jem about it. He didn't do anything but say she's trying a new teaching method and that didn't make me feel any better. I don't think Miss Caroline likes me since I had a really bad first impression. All I did was start to read and she overreacted about it! I don't like school so far.

The bad first impression got even worse, unfortunately. Miss Caroline saw that Walter Cunningham did not bring a school lunch and offered him a quarter in hopes he'd pay her back the following day. She did not know that the Cunningham's were very poor and couldn't afford that. As I was trying to explain the circumstance, Miss Caroline got even more annoyed and frustrated ending with her smacking my hands with a ruler. I was confused, and the confusion turned into irritation with her. At that moment, I highly disliked her. I highly disliked school! I didn't wanna come back here tomorrow. 

        The same day I told Atticus that we couldn't read together anymore because of what Miss Caroline said. I was very disappointed because I love reading with him. I also told him that I didn't want to go to school anymore; I didn't need to! Atticus never went to school and he ended up just fine. He told me that I had to go to school, but that he would keep reading to me as long as I didn't tell Miss Caroline. I liked that idea! Atticus said it was a compromise which is an agreement reached by mutual concession. It made me happy.